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New release: Liquified Sky DVD


Asmus Tietchens has 7 minutes of sound on a new DVD released by Richard Chartier’s LINE Imprint. The sound accompanies the piece Memory Vapor by video artists & scientists Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Domnitch.
The label writes about the piece:
Every second, Earth’s inhabitants are bombarded by billions of charge carriers, arriving from every possible direction in outer space. As they traverse the supersaturated air/gas within a cloud chamber, these subatomic messengers, known as cosmic rays, macroscopically disclose their identity and the plenum underlying the empirical void. In Memory Vapor, a cloud chamber, combined with a particle accelerator, is illuminated by a pulsating white laser sheet, transforming its -200° gaseous contents into a dynamic prism.  Ionized nuclei, muons, electrons and positrons are trailed by a thread of condensation droplets, each of which the laser turns into a luminous lens.
Other sound works come from COH and Francisco Lopez.
The DVD is available in the mailorder section.