Du betrachtest gerade A11 – Formen letzter Hausmusik

A11 – Formen letzter Hausmusik

United Dairies • U.D. 014 • GB 1984

United Dairies / RRR • UDT 033 • GB / USA without year

Die Stadt • DS 84 • Germany 2005
1.000 copies • Part VI of the Rerelease series

01 Volksfest 5’31“
02 Hydrophonie 1 11’06“
03 Kammermusik 1 6’02“
04 Kammermusik 2 4’01“
05 Hitch 3’00“
06 Studie für Glasspiel 5’22“
07 Studie für Cembalo und Zither 6’41“
08 Studie für Klavier 10’37“
09 Studie über B-A-C-H 7’41“
10 Hitch 2 1’54“ CD-Bonus.
11 Vox humana [Excerpt] 2’55“ CD-Bonus.
12 Speeds and Clusters [Excerpt] 6’31“ CD-Bonus.

01 / 05 / 06 Okko Bekker – additional instruments. See name index for other work.
02 See track index for other Hydrophonien.
06 See track index for other Studien.
08 See A 18 for other Studien für Klavier.
09 See A 14:02 and A 17 for other B-A-C-H variations with identical compositional structure, and A 21:05 for a different one.

This piece was Tietchens’ first work on a Fairlight CMI, using a sampled mellotron.
Almost all cover designs for solo releases are by AT; this collided with United Dairies’ principle of doing their covers themselves. Therefore, one side of the cover (salt mountains) is by AT, the other by United Dairies (design by Steven Stapleton).

Abstract, often noisy pieces exploring the qualities of several sound sources, some of them acoustic instruments of the classic tradition. Obvious structures like rhythm and melody are avoided. While some pieces are rather aggressive (03 / 04), others are calm and spatial (06 / 08). A declaration of intent.

01 / 09 concrete sounds, Fairlight CMI
02 water, voice
03 / 04 celeste, violins, percussion
05 electric guitar
06 drinking glasses
07 harpsichord and cither
08 piano